Friday, June 6, 2008

First Person (by Thomas)

Early April, 2008

Now that it was out on the table, things were both easier and harder. Easier because we knew where we stood....harder because we had never met and didn't know if we could move forward or not. It's so easy to portray only what you want to be seen online. Neither of us knew if that was the case here, nor if we would really be friends in person, nor if there would even be any chemistry between us. So it was basically a stalemate.

The next couple weeks were very hard. It was bad enough for me, but it was torture for Rebecca. After one particularly hard night when she was so frustrated that she was basically in tears, I knew something had to give. I suggested that we meet sooner than originally planned, like at the end of my internship on April 18. My rationale was that if we were being deceived, much better to find out now than four months down the road, when we would likely be far more attached. She discussed it with her parents, I discussed it with my mom, and we both prayed about it. Everything came back as a "Go."

I flew to meet her and her family on April 18, 2008. I landed in the airport and nervously called her. She and her dad were there to pick me up. Not to be melodramatic, but the instant I saw her in the airport, I knew something was different.....this had to be "it." I shoved the feeling away for the time being and tried to be content with just observing for the next few days.

That weekend was wonderful. I was never so impressed with a single family in all my life as I was with the Craigs. Her father was very wise, caring, understanding, and knew the Scriptures amazingly well. Her mother was organized, sweet, and entirely pleasant. Her 10 siblings (yes, 10) were polite, obedient, and extremely friendly....little Joshua (age 3) was on my lap within about two hours, playing with my laptop, and Courtney (age 6) was leaning against me watching him.

And Rebecca? She was everything I hoped and more. Her personality was EXACTLY what had come through online, but perhaps a little more "twitterpated" (nervous). =P She hardly ate all weekend. She was talkative, not awkward at all, had a great sense of humor, was loving with her siblings and respectful with her parents, was capable yet vulnerable, was VERY pretty, and was obviously interested in me! :o I was dazzled. After nearly three full days (including church and a full day participating in a Civil War Reenactment), I saw no red flags. I had talked to her father on the 19th to ask his permission, clarify my intentions, and dialogue with him about what our relationship would look like. He had given me the go-ahead. I called my mom on the 20th and got a green light from her as well. I prayed about it and knew what I should do.

Thus came the morning of April 21, 2008. Rebecca and I went on our customary walk, down to our customary spot on a bridge overlooking a reservoir. I still remember sitting on the edge looking at each other. She knew what was coming. I started off by saying that we had probably gone a bit fast at first, but ended by saying the expected, "Rebecca, will you enter a relationship with me?" She didn't think long about that at all. *big grin* "Hmm, let me think. Yes!"

And so it was official. We enjoyed the rest of the morning together before I had to leave that afternoon. Parting was quite painful. She cried at the airport, which didn't make it easier for me at all. I teared up as soon as I turned away to go through security.

We were both miserable for a day or two after that, but acclimation came fairly quickly. It's an odd thing how communication can go from long-distance to in-person to long-distance again, basically without missing a beat. Virtually our entire relationship had been built using long-distance communication, so we knew we could do that....but it was a relief to see that our in-person communication was just as strong and heartfelt. =)

1 comment:

Heidi W. said...

Wow ... what a fairy tale romance! So happy for you, Tommy!