Sunday, December 21, 2008
Birthday Surprise (by Thomas)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Florida (by Thomas)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Long Visit (by Thomas)
I arrived in Texas on August 9th after a very quick, uneventful transit from Norfolk via Atlanta. Rebecca and her dad picked me up and we went out for lunch. After this point, I can't even really remember everything that went on. It was all so wonderful (and so long) that it really ran together.
We did have our first date on that visit, on August 11, 2008. =) We went to the Arlington Highlands, an outdoor mall with a winding stream and park benches and nice landscaping. We walked around for a while and then went to Mimi's Café, which turned out to be a rather nice little French restaurant. It was admittedly a little bit weird at first to be completely chaperones, no one else around but strangers. But by the end of the night, we were enjoying each other's company greatly. It was a very sweet first date.
Rebecca actually liked our second one a bit better though. We started to go the Highlands again, but couldn't find a TGI Fridays, which is where we were going to eat. Upon leaving the Highlands to find one, I spotted a Sweet Tomatoes and made a snap decision to eat there. Rebecca loved it. She just loved the whole evening. She said she was more comfortable, she loved the restaurant, and she just had a great time. =)
And so things kinda ran together. I went to Chuck Swindoll's church with Rebecca and Allison on Sunday, which was cool. He didn't preach, but it was still neat to go there. Rebecca had to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so I typically stayed home and hung out with the family until she got back, at which point we would go on a date. Tuesday and Thursday were days she didn't work, so we generally spent those running around together doing errands.
One amusing side note is that nearly every time Rebecca and I were outside together, we ended up getting in a water fight. The Craigs have a small kiddie pool filled in the back yard....and the accessible water was frequently just too much to resist. ;-) I think we were quite amusing to the rest of the family.
I greatly enjoyed getting to know Rebecca's whole family better. They're really a sweet family. Courtney (age 6) loved to have tickle wars with me, which Joshua (age 3) liked to get in on occasionally. I shared a room with Daniel (age 13) on a bed which Mrs. Craig had bought specifically for me! :o She said I would be there frequently enough anyway...they might as well buy me a bed. Josh can use it after I get done with it in a couple years. I was quite shell-shocked by her generosity. I had not expected that at all, but it was a real blessing.
Another cool experience was going with Mr. Craig on a tour of a very large steel manufacturing of the largest in the country, in fact. I was quite impressed with the whole process. The heat coming off the molten metal was particularly impressive. It felt like an oven some 30 feet away. While I'm not interested in going into the steel industry for a career, it was a very informative experience. I thought it was quite amazing that our tour guide was none other than the VP of operations there....which you can bet doesn't happen much! It was really cool of Mr. Craig to invite me along on that tour and I really appreciated it.
I left Texas on August 18, which was a somewhat depressing experience. It didn't really hit me until I was actually sitting at my gate that I was gone. *sigh* Sometimes I hate long distance. But I have a good motivation....I'm off to slay the dragons of the semesters of Fall 2008, Spring 2009, and Fall 2009. After those dragons are dead, we can (God-willing) get married. The visit was wonderful....just a small taste of what future life together will be like. =) Hopefully Rebecca and her parents will come visit me in the next month or two, which will likely be the next time I see her. I can't wait! =D
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
HSA Reunion (by Thomas)
The weekend began on Wednesday morning. I left VA at about 2:30 a.m. after about 3-4 hours of sleep. I went to bed at 9:00 the night before, but couldn't sleep. Don't ever try to sleep when you're hungry and doesn't work! In any case, the drive was pretty tiring for the first few hours. I was quite sleepy until I stopped near the WV border for some coffee and a muffin. The caffeine/sugar woke me up and after that, the sun was rising, so the increased light kept me awake.
I was quite surprised by West Virginia...nearly the entire state is made up of mountains! I seriously followed the interstate for some 150-200 miles of mountains, only emerging from them after Charleston. After driving through a deluge of a thunderstorm in Kentucky, I finally arrived (after about 10 hours of driving) at the Kroger I had scoped out beforehand. Situated strategically some 10 miles away from the campground where Rebecca was, it had the all-important floral department.
I grabbed a bouquet of carnations and a cheesecake (a thank-you present to Rebecca's sister Christina for chaperoning in the car), and headed off to the campsite. Seeing Rebecca again was a teeny bit awkward at first, but we re-acclimated to each other quickly. We were quite comfortable with each other's company again by the end of the day. As soon as I got to the campground, we loaded up, grabbed lunch at Subway, and headed to the Creation Museum.
The museum was VERY cool. It has like 70 acres of land, most of which is gardens and such outside the actual museum itself. Rumor is that they plan to build a full-scale Noah's Ark next. That would be amazing.
We spent that evening after the museum playing cards, eating hot dogs and s'mores, and generally just enjoying each other's company. That night was very interesting as far as camping goes. It thunderstormed and rained heavily nearly ALL NIGHT. Those of us in the guys' tent woke up around 2:00 a.m. with water soaking up through the floor of the tent. We subsequently moved to my truck for cover, after checking to see that the girls were all right. Rebecca and one other girl had moved to the van and the rest were damp but fine. The next morning was a fun experience, involving literally dumping water out of the tents. We threw all the wet stuff in the back of my truck to spread out and dry at the Reunion.
After that, we were off. We drove down to the Reunion and got checked in. The facilities were very nice, if somewhat hilly. The guys' dorm was perhaps 50 feet higher in elevation even though it was only perhaps 500 feet away. The whole campus was like that, so we got very good workouts just walking around! Rebecca and I got into a daily habit of meeting at 7:00 a.m. for our morning walk and subsequently "hanging out" for the rest of the day. There were scheduled events that we sometimes went to, but in general, we just spent time together and enjoyed being around each other.

And so we enjoyed the weekend, spending nearly every waking minute ofevery day with each other. We got more comfortable with each other's company than we ever have before. She is hands-down my best friend (the best I've ever had) by far. One of our most treasured times this weekend was getting to have fun with each putting ice down her back, her throwing a cup of icewater on me, spashing each other, laughing at each other's attempts to shoot a basketball, playing cards together, laughing at each other trying to swing dance and looking stupid, and just generally being goofy. That was a major part of our relationship that we hadn't experienced much of before, and it was so enjoyable to just have fun together.

So came Sunday and the end of the weekend. She cried when we left (as always), despite the fact that we knew we would see each other again in only six days. I had a hard time not tearing up myself, but the short time we have to spend apart was definitely a mitigating factor. =) I'm already hyper-excited for this next weekend and the 1.5 weeks I get to spend with her and her family!

God is good! I can't wait to see how He draws us together next. =)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It's Time!!!! (by Thomas)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Countdown (by Thomas)
We've had several special experiences in the several weeks that have helped us keep our relationship strong. On July 4th, both of us were home alone. My roommates were occupied with various celebration activities and her family had gone to a cookout. I had stayed home because I didn't have anywhere to go (or money for gas to get there) and she had stayed home because she had had a headache. So both of us were left alone and I had the idea to do a "cyber-date." I asked Rebecca what she thought and she was enthusiastic about it, so we did.
I brought my webcam and laptop down to the kitchen and set it up so she could see me cooking. She coached me through making my first hamburger patty with raw ground beef and watched as I cooked the rest of my dinner. I did my best to make the distance feel negligible, doing things like pretending to snap her with the dish towel and spritz water on her face. She said she felt like she was leaning on the counter watching me. =)
She got her dinner when mine was almost done and then we sat down to eat together. We prayed over the meal, watched each other eat, and then cleaned up our respective messes in our kitchens. After that, we watched Night at the Museum together, starting the movie at exactly the same time and synchronizing it perfectly by the audio coming through the phone. We had both the movie and the webcam going so that we could watch both the movie and each other. I have to confess I didn't watch much of the movie...I don't think she did either!
We didn't get to finish all of the movie that night because of our curfew, but we did get to watch a large portion of it. I wasn't sure of how much Rebecca would like the "cyber-date", but she evidently loved it. She actually cried when we were saying goodnight, it was so special to her. I felt like a million dollars....even though we were apart, we were still able to build our relationship in tangible ways.
A couple weeks ago, I had had a very lousy day. I got home to a package from Rebecca, which made my spirits rise immediately. I was expecting a care package, because she had asked some very suspicous questions (like what kind of coffee I liked) earlier, but I was unprepared for everything that she had done. She had prepared seven different packages and cards, one to open every several days until we see each other again. I barely even got the box open before I started tearing up at the sheer volume of care and love that she obviously put into it. On that first day, she gave me coffee, homemade cookies, and a very sweet card with pictures of her making the cookies for me.
I am very affected every time I open one of those cards and associated gifts. Without fail, they are sweet and carefully thought out. Most of the time, they are activities we can do together. The most enjoyable one thus far has I think been the quiz booklet filled with esoteric questions about her, like "Has she ever plunged a toilet?" and "Would she know how to eat a lobster?" She has one with questions about me too. We answer the questions beforehand and then discuss them later. Talk about a great conversation starter and relationship builder!
Last night we had another cyberdate. My roommates were gone and so were some of her family. She was able to arrange for the rest of the family to stay out of the computer room, so we were still able to spend time together mostly undistracted. We did the same thing we did before with cooking and eating together. I opened a gift from her last night, and it was a movie (Walk the Line), so we watched that. We both hated it. We actually didn't even finish was depressing and boring as the dickens, so we turned it off. Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the time together immensely. There's just something so special about times like that which are meant to be focused on each other.
It's been a long road to get to this point from mid-May, but we're on the home stretch. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's all downhill from here! =) Praise the Lord for keeping us together and keeping us strong through this time. It's all about Him and for His glory...our relationship is nothing if it doesn't have Him at its center. Please pray that we would continue to keep that as our focus. God is good...all praise to the Author of love!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Marathon (by Thomas)
It was a bit frustrating for a while to not be able to webcam. My laptop was dead and being repaired for several weeks, so until I got it back this weekend, I had not actually seen Rebecca since she left WA. Our phone conversations were very pleasant, but being able to see her again (even if only electronically) did my heart good.
We had an amusing contest last night via webcam. We were commiserating that neither of us felt like working out. Rebecca had the bright idea of doing situps together instead of our normal respective workouts, and proceeded to challenge me to a "crunch contest." We turned our webcams to where we could see each other on the floor and it was on! I was a bit nervous at first, but I ended up winning fairly convincingly (I thought). As you might expect, we gathered quite an audience! Most of her family congregated around during the contest, and were alternately watching me in the webcam and her on the floor. Everyone thought it was quite amusing. =)
Although tiring, it was very enjoyable to be able to exercise "with" Rebecca. The simple companionship and competitiveness of two best friends challenging each other really made us feel closer. I really hope that we can do more fun activities together as time goes on.
And so continues the marathon. ;-) We have about 43 days left until we see each other in person again. That seems like a long time (and it is in one sense!), but it's actually only about six weeks. It's been about 29 days since our last face-to-face while we're not at the halfway point yet, we're progressing towards it rapidly! I have full confidence that we will meet again with a stronger relationship than it's ever been before. Praise the Lord for the marvelous age of communcation in which we live!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Visit to WA - Day 2 (by Thomas)

My sisters had already gotten to know Rebecca a bit the day before, but now they really started hitting it off. By the time we reached our first stop at Multnomah Falls, Rebecca had already braided both of my sisters' hair! =) We got out of the car and my mom commented that it must be a magical one...."My daughters get in and when they come out, their hair is braided!"
The falls was mistier than I've ever seen it. We could feel the spray clear down near the freeway. We stopped at the water downstream of the falls for our traditional photo shoot, and Rebecca and I felt like celebrities again. As we walked up toward the falls, it got wetter and wetter. Rebecca commented that it was almost like walking through a "mister." We got some more shots with the falls in the background, including one of my favorite pictures of us.

After that, we hopped on the two-lane scenic highway that ran along the gorge....such a beautiful day and a pleasant road to drive! It was very curvy and up and down and altogether fun. We all enjoyed the drive immensely. We had a couple close was an RV on a narrow bridge that wasn't close enough to their shoulder, the other was a sherriff waiting to pick off any speeders. Both times, it was a very good thing that we were "pleasure-boating" along and not in any hurry. =)
At this point, those of us in the Craig's car (Mr. Craig, Rebecca, and I) noticed that we were desperately in need of gas. Talk about a bad place to run low! We prayed and just kept going.
We made it to Crown Point with no problems. The view was absolutely incredible as always. We took a couple more pictues and pressed on, looking for a gas station. After several false alarms and a bit of worrying later, we finally arrived back at the freeway for a much needed fill-up. We headed home, changed clothes, and drove on to church.

It was so much fun and made me so proud to introduce Rebecca to all my friends. She was obviously very nervous for most of the time we were there and practically didn't let go of my arm, but eventually started to relax. After meeting a LOT of people and eating shared meal together, it was time to go home. For the rest of the evening, we basically just relaxed. We sat and talked, watched a movie, and generally enjoyed each other's company. All too soon, it was time for the Craigs to head back to their hotel.
The next morning, May 19, was another emotional parting. My mom teared up probably more than I did at the airport. I had resolved not to let myself tear up until Rebecca left because I didn't want to make it any harder on her to leave than it already was. We said our mournful goodbyes, and that was it. I totally would have lost my composure as soon as I turned away, but I fished my cell phone out of my pocket and called back a friend. Still, if my mom had said a word, I think I would have lost it.
And so that was the wonderful WA visit. Rebecca pointed out that one reason it was so special was because it was really the first time we'd had together since we'd formally been "together." We'd had just a few hours before I left Texas, so that entire weekend in WA was so very special.
Now we had to resign ourselves to over two months of electronic communcation again. Once again, it took some time to adjust....but webcams, telephones, and IM really do help a lot, and we were back in the swing of things pretty quickly. =)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Visit to WA - Day 1 (by Thomas)
And so we settled back into the routine of text, chat, and phone conversations. After seeing each other in person for nearly four wonderful days, being relegated back to electronic media left a sour taste in our did the realization that it would be over three months before we saw each other again at the reunion in July. Neither of us was too happy about that.
But then I hit upon a realization, something Mr. Craig had said when I was asking his permission on April 19. He had expressed his understanding that my parents would want to meet Rebecca as soon as possible, and that a trip of that purpose would be something we could likely work out later. I started scheming.
Some hours of discussion later, it was all settled. Rebecca and her dad would fly out on Friday, May 16 and return on Monday, May 19. Rebecca and I were obviously QUITE excited that we were going to see each other so much sooner than July. =)
The next couple weeks seemed very long....probably because were were counting down the days as they passed! But finally the big night arrived. I wasn't too nervous until we got to the airport, and then I was basically a jittery wreck. I suspect my mom was secretly laughing at me. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, she and her dad finally rounded that last corner and there she was! After a giant hug and introductions all around, we happily walked off, parents in tow, to find a rental car.
That night was brief, but enjoyable. Mom and I went with the Craigs to their hotel (Red Lion at the Quay....quite a nice place) and just sat and talked for a while. Mom and Mr. Craig did most of the talking; Rebecca and I were quite content to just sit on the couch and enjoy each other's company.
We kicked off the visit bright and early the next morning. Mom and I met up with the Craigs and went to IHOP for breakfast before bringing them home to meet the rest of the family. We picked up my dad and headed off to the Oregon coast (Cannon Beach area). That car ride, though long, was very enjoyable. It was a beautiful day, and Rebecca almost fell asleep with her head on my altogether peaceful trip.
Us NWerners proudly showed off the spectacular views from Ecola State Park, where it felt almost like showbiz for Rebecca and I....both my mom and Mr. Craig were constantly telling us, "Stand together over there", "Smile", "Take your sunglasses off." =) It was a gorgeous day for a trip to the coast, with clear skies and temperatures in the high 70s.
After Ecola, we drove down to Cannon Beach, parked the car, and played tourist for a while. We found a great place for lunch and just enjoyed visiting all the little shops downtown. Rebecca and I went for a brief foray into the water, but the parents were not interested. The water was something like 50 degrees, but it felt WAY colder! Rebecca always wants to make sure that everyone knows that she outlasted me....I wimped out and headed back to the warm sand sooner than she did. ;-)

At that point, it was about time to head home. We returned to my house, where Rebecca and her dad met Lauren (my sister, not hers) and her boyfriend, John. We chowed down on salad and homemade pizza and then rounded up the group to go see Prince Caspian. Stephen came along with us, so the Craigs got to meet him as well. After Prince Caspian, it was a full day and the Craigs went back to their hotel.

to be continued....
Friday, June 6, 2008
First Person (by Thomas)
Now that it was out on the table, things were both easier and harder. Easier because we knew where we stood....harder because we had never met and didn't know if we could move forward or not. It's so easy to portray only what you want to be seen online. Neither of us knew if that was the case here, nor if we would really be friends in person, nor if there would even be any chemistry between us. So it was basically a stalemate.
The next couple weeks were very hard. It was bad enough for me, but it was torture for Rebecca. After one particularly hard night when she was so frustrated that she was basically in tears, I knew something had to give. I suggested that we meet sooner than originally planned, like at the end of my internship on April 18. My rationale was that if we were being deceived, much better to find out now than four months down the road, when we would likely be far more attached. She discussed it with her parents, I discussed it with my mom, and we both prayed about it. Everything came back as a "Go."
I flew to meet her and her family on April 18, 2008. I landed in the airport and nervously called her. She and her dad were there to pick me up. Not to be melodramatic, but the instant I saw her in the airport, I knew something was different.....this had to be "it." I shoved the feeling away for the time being and tried to be content with just observing for the next few days.
That weekend was wonderful. I was never so impressed with a single family in all my life as I was with the Craigs. Her father was very wise, caring, understanding, and knew the Scriptures amazingly well. Her mother was organized, sweet, and entirely pleasant. Her 10 siblings (yes, 10) were polite, obedient, and extremely friendly....little Joshua (age 3) was on my lap within about two hours, playing with my laptop, and Courtney (age 6) was leaning against me watching him.

And Rebecca? She was everything I hoped and more. Her personality was EXACTLY what had come through online, but perhaps a little more "twitterpated" (nervous). =P She hardly ate all weekend. She was talkative, not awkward at all, had a great sense of humor, was loving with her siblings and respectful with her parents, was capable yet vulnerable, was VERY pretty, and was obviously interested in me! :o I was dazzled. After nearly three full days (including church and a full day participating in a Civil War Reenactment), I saw no red flags. I had talked to her father on the 19th to ask his permission, clarify my intentions, and dialogue with him about what our relationship would look like. He had given me the go-ahead. I called my mom on the 20th and got a green light from her as well. I prayed about it and knew what I should do.

Thus came the morning of April 21, 2008. Rebecca and I went on our customary walk, down to our customary spot on a bridge overlooking a reservoir. I still remember sitting on the edge looking at each other. She knew what was coming. I started off by saying that we had probably gone a bit fast at first, but ended by saying the expected, "Rebecca, will you enter a relationship with me?" She didn't think long about that at all. *big grin* "Hmm, let me think. Yes!"
And so it was official. We enjoyed the rest of the morning together before I had to leave that afternoon. Parting was quite painful. She cried at the airport, which didn't make it easier for me at all. I teared up as soon as I turned away to go through security.

We were both miserable for a day or two after that, but acclimation came fairly quickly. It's an odd thing how communication can go from long-distance to in-person to long-distance again, basically without missing a beat. Virtually our entire relationship had been built using long-distance communication, so we knew we could do that....but it was a relief to see that our in-person communication was just as strong and heartfelt. =)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Meetings (by Thomas)
We hit it off immediately. Wall posts led to friending each other on facebook, writing conversational PMs and e-mails, and IMing. I began to be interested in her very in a couple interest that was only increased when I saw more pictures of her and realized that she was far cuter than I had first realized. =) The e-mails began to increase in length, depth, and frequency. I believe we actually traded something like 5 large (page length, at least) e-mails on one particular day. My interest seemed to be apparent and she seemed to be reciprocating.
Our IM sessions began to increase in time and frequency as well, until we reached the point when we were literally chatting nearly all day. We got to know each other extremely quickly, learning about each other's doctrine, values, family, likes/dislikes, favorites, etc.....everything from the very deep and serious to the very frivolous.
The situation became untenable very quickly. It was obvious to me that she was more than a typical female friend in my mind, and she seemed to think quite highly of me as well. That was incongruous with my committment not to date around or enter a relationship on the fly....only with a purposeful intent to marry. So I realized I had two options....push ahead and ask Rebecca if she was interested in a relationship, or let it all drop. I prayed about it and decided to push ahead.
I still remember that IM conversation quite clearly. We stopped short of actually entering a relationship (we hadn't even met each other!!), but we admitted our respective interest, and agreed to a season of "intentional friendship" until we could meet at the HSA reunion in July.
My mom was a little less than thrilled at first when I told her, for obvious reasons. She was afraid that my emotions were just see-sawing, that it was just a quick crush, and that I really wasn't interested in a serious relationship. She also didn't know this girl from Eve, so it was harder for her to be excited about it. I assured her the best I could, and hoped she would warm up quickly.
This part makes me laugh every time. Evidently Rebecca's mom went absolutely Private Investigator on me at that point, which is very good, but rather amusing. She looked me up EVERYWHERE. She checked out my HSA profile, Facebook profile, listened to and read the lyrics of my favorite songs, looked up my favorite movies, looked at every picture of me, watched every movie I had taken, searched for me in my home newspaper and on Google, and even checked with NASA to make sure I really was an intern with them. Everything checked out. She started off by telling Rebecca that people aren't always what they seem online and came back saying, "I'm falling in love with this guy." =P Of course that only encouraged Rebecca more.
And so it began......