Sunday, December 21, 2008

Birthday Surprise (by Thomas)

November 15, 2008

Rebecca's birthday is on November 15.  I knew that she would enjoy a surprise visit, and she had in fact asked me to surprise her at some time during our relationship.  Amusingly enough, I had already purchased the plane tickets to do just that clear back in May, right after she and her dad left my house in Washington.  I had corresponded with her closest sister, Christina, for the months beforehand, and the plan was all set.  I would fly in the night before (Friday, November 14), and Christina would pick me up and give me a place to stay for the night.  She would take me over to Rebecca's house the next morning.  

Oh, but it wasn't nearly so blasé.  =)  I had created a whole grand scheme to make things fun.  So finally the big day arrived and I landed in Dallas (quite late, thanks to the incompetency of modern airlines), got a late dinner with Christina and her roommate Jessica, and hit the sack for a very fitful sleep.  The next morning, Christina took me to the store for the all-important bouquet of roses (incidentally the first time that I had given her red roses) and then dropped me off at the prearranged spot.  

You see, I had created a kind of treasure hunt.  I had made a series of envelopes with a series of letters containing sequential instructions.  Each one had some kind of significance, as it told her to walk to a special spot around her neighborhood where we had shared some kind of memory.  I did up the letters really nicely with creme paper and red hearts and handwritten love notes and such.  I knew she would find them very romantic.  In any case, the plan was for her to finally end up at "our special spot", where I would be waiting.  

Well, the plan went well except for the fact that I misjudged the distances I was asking her to walk....and also for the fact that it was MUCH colder out than I had anticipated it being!  Add these two facts together, and you have a VERY cold Thomas by the time Rebecca arrives!  However, it was well worth it.  I can still remember her grin as she saw me and ran to me.  I gave her the roses and a silver cross necklace.  She usually doesn't wear jewelry, but she promised to wear it always, until I give her an engagement ring.  What a sweetie.  =)

We walked back to her house, arriving in a somewhat frosty condition.  Her little siblings were unaware of my arrival until they saw us walking up the sidewalk together, so they were pleasantly surprised as well.  She's got a cute batch of brothers and sisters!  

We spent that weekend together much the same as we have spent other times in person together.  We went out on several dates and several shopping trips, most notably to see Fireproof again on the night of her birthday.  That is such a great movie to see on a date.  

Tuesday morning came too soon, and with it my departure.  We both shed quiet tears in the airport, but knew that our time apart was fairly short this time around.  As a matter of fact, I will see her again one week from the morning after I write this.  =D  

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