Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Big Day

January 3, 2009

I awoke with a feeling of anticipation and a slight sense of dread. I didn't really doubt what her answer would be, but I was very intimidated by the huge committment I was about to make. I continued talking to the Lord about it and my nervousness had faded slightly by mid-morning. Rebecca knew we were going for a picnic, but nothing really more than that. It was so cool how it had been set up the previous day. Mr. Craig had suggested I somehow get her to think it was her idea to go to the gardens. I didn't know how, but I decided to try. We were talking about where to go for the picnic and I asked innocently if she knew of any really pretty places in the area. With no prompting whatsoever, she said, "Well, the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens are really nice." I couldn't believe it. I said something like, "Oh really? Are there some pretty spots there?" She replied in the affirmative and said, "The Japanese Gardens are really pretty even this time of year." Externally, I said something nonchalant, but I was internally going "YES!" =D

The time drew near. I went upstairs to get a last-minute "good luck" from Mrs. Craig. She and a few of the girls who were there prayed for me, I gave her a hug, and it was time to go. Rebecca and I stopped by Kroger for our favorite bread, some blueberries, and some sparkling apple cider. Rebecca had brought some crystal glasses and a tablecloth to sit on. She thought all this was just for a nice picnic....but the sparkling cider and the glasses would actually be quite appropriate considering what was about to happen.

I had stashed the ring in the bottom of my camera case, with my camera on top. Once we got inside the gardens, I pulled the camera out under the pretense of taking some pictures. When I finished, I slung it over my other shoulder without the case, leaving easy access to the ring. We walked around for a bit as I tried to find just the right spot. There were a lot of people in the garden at that time, which was a problem because Rebecca had told me in the past that she didn't want a proposal in front of a lot of people. So I was trying to find a spot that was pretty yet removed.

We meandered up to the foot of the waterfall and I wondered if I should do it there despite the people. I had my arm around Rebecca at that time, hugging her close as I thought. I was terrified that she could feel my heart beating so terribly fast....but I figured if she asked, I would pass it off as exertion from climbing the steps. But I needed to know if she would like this place. I very not-subtly asked, "Do you like this spot? Is it pretty to you?" She looked around and said, "No. There are too many people." At that point, I started to think that SOMEHOW she knew I was going to ask!

So we walked around a bit more until I finally found a quiet spot. It was at the edge of the gardens, where the path passes between a bamboo forest on one side and a low hill on the other. There was a little recess in the path and a bench, and best of all, no one was in sight. I had a whole speech thought up, but as I looked into her eyes, it fled. I think I still managed to say something about how we knew we would come to this day, because our relationship was always serious....and how it was perhaps sooner than we thought, but the fact that it was here was no surprise nonetheless. I know I did say (as I was pulling out the ring and dropping on one knee), "Rebecca...I love you and I can't live without you. Will you marry me?" She immediately clapped both hands to her face, grinned happily, and said "Yes, I'll marry you!" I stood up, gave her a joyful hug, and slipped the ring on her finger. =D =D =D

We spent the next few minutes just enjoying the feeling of being very giddily in love. Rebecca loved her ring and the way it sparkled, and I loved watching her be so thrilled. She positively glowed. After a few minutes, Rebecca's sister (Rachel) showed up. I had arranged with her to come and take pictures of us after the proposal.

Rachel played papparazzi for a while for us, then headed off. Rebecca and I left the gardens and went across the street to a park for our picnic. That afternoon stands out in my mind as one of the sweetest times we've ever shared with each other. We were so relaxed, happy, and in love...eating bread and blueberries and sipping sparkling cider and laughing.

Finally, it was time to head home. We packed up and returned to Rebecca's house, where she proudly showed off the ring to her family. The rest of the trip passed in a blur, colored entirely by our joy at finally being promised to one another.