Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's Time!!!! (by Thomas)

I get to see her tomorrow!!!! I'm leaving at like 2:30 a.m. tomorrow morning and should (God-willing) arrive at their campsite around 1:00 p.m. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!! =D

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Countdown (by Thomas)

After what has seemed an eternity, my next face-to-face encounter with Rebecca is very soon. As of today, I will see her in about 11 days! I am SO excited! It has been about 2 months...61 days, to be exact. It hasn't been easy at times, especially during the past couple weeks, but I would not hesitate to say that our relationship is stronger than it has ever been. Our 3-month anniversary is coming up on Monday, and I can genuinely say that I have enjoyed every minute of it. Even during our worst disagreements (only one of which I would consider an actual argument), there is no doubt in my mind that she is the one for me. We may not see eye-to-eye in that specific moment, but I wouldn't trade my relationship with her for anything. =)

We've had several special experiences in the several weeks that have helped us keep our relationship strong. On July 4th, both of us were home alone. My roommates were occupied with various celebration activities and her family had gone to a cookout. I had stayed home because I didn't have anywhere to go (or money for gas to get there) and she had stayed home because she had had a headache. So both of us were left alone and I had the idea to do a "cyber-date." I asked Rebecca what she thought and she was enthusiastic about it, so we did.

I brought my webcam and laptop down to the kitchen and set it up so she could see me cooking. She coached me through making my first hamburger patty with raw ground beef and watched as I cooked the rest of my dinner. I did my best to make the distance feel negligible, doing things like pretending to snap her with the dish towel and spritz water on her face. She said she felt like she was leaning on the counter watching me. =)

She got her dinner when mine was almost done and then we sat down to eat together. We prayed over the meal, watched each other eat, and then cleaned up our respective messes in our kitchens. After that, we watched Night at the Museum together, starting the movie at exactly the same time and synchronizing it perfectly by the audio coming through the phone. We had both the movie and the webcam going so that we could watch both the movie and each other. I have to confess I didn't watch much of the movie...I don't think she did either!

We didn't get to finish all of the movie that night because of our curfew, but we did get to watch a large portion of it. I wasn't sure of how much Rebecca would like the "cyber-date", but she evidently loved it. She actually cried when we were saying goodnight, it was so special to her. I felt like a million dollars....even though we were apart, we were still able to build our relationship in tangible ways.

A couple weeks ago, I had had a very lousy day. I got home to a package from Rebecca, which made my spirits rise immediately. I was expecting a care package, because she had asked some very suspicous questions (like what kind of coffee I liked) earlier, but I was unprepared for everything that she had done. She had prepared seven different packages and cards, one to open every several days until we see each other again. I barely even got the box open before I started tearing up at the sheer volume of care and love that she obviously put into it. On that first day, she gave me coffee, homemade cookies, and a very sweet card with pictures of her making the cookies for me.

I am very affected every time I open one of those cards and associated gifts. Without fail, they are sweet and carefully thought out. Most of the time, they are activities we can do together. The most enjoyable one thus far has I think been the quiz booklet filled with esoteric questions about her, like "Has she ever plunged a toilet?" and "Would she know how to eat a lobster?" She has one with questions about me too. We answer the questions beforehand and then discuss them later. Talk about a great conversation starter and relationship builder!

Last night we had another cyberdate. My roommates were gone and so were some of her family. She was able to arrange for the rest of the family to stay out of the computer room, so we were still able to spend time together mostly undistracted. We did the same thing we did before with cooking and eating together. I opened a gift from her last night, and it was a movie (Walk the Line), so we watched that. We both hated it. We actually didn't even finish it...it was depressing and boring as the dickens, so we turned it off. Nevertheless, we still enjoyed the time together immensely. There's just something so special about times like that which are meant to be focused on each other.

It's been a long road to get to this point from mid-May, but we're on the home stretch. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's all downhill from here! =) Praise the Lord for keeping us together and keeping us strong through this time. It's all about Him and for His glory...our relationship is nothing if it doesn't have Him at its center. Please pray that we would continue to keep that as our focus. God is good...all praise to the Author of love!